Prison Education

[FR] STEP2LAB: Cours de Dessin Technique


The ‘STEP2LAB: Technical Drawing Course’ is an E-Learning training course created within the:

STEP2LAB (Systematic Transition from Prison into the Labour Market) project.

The project consortium (from different European countries, namely Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, Romania and Spain) designed this programme to act as a VET induction to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) for inmates (with an emphasis on juveniles), providing them with a foundation for further training and labour opportunities upon reintegrating into society.

The course is divided into two modules and is structured to provide theoretical knowledge, complemented by practical applied approaches. These can be worked through during trainer-delivered sessions, or utilised as a complementary resource for learner content revision and independent study.

Via practical content and exercises, knowledge will be acquired on:
• the national and European legislation concerning education and training;
• the tools and techniques used for CAD;
• the basics of measurement; and
• the universal standard for all technical drawings.

Upon completion, learners will have a basic ability to design technical drawings using Computer-Aided Design software, benefitting from informative content on how to develop professional documentation and drawings that help deliver better projects.

Training modality
• e-Learning

Required software
• CAD software (freely available download links provided in the introduction)

  • Module d'introduction
  • Getting started with the Corrections Learning Academy
  • Introduction à STEP2LAB et aux réalités du travail pénitentiaire national
  • Course Curricula
  • Module 1: Questionnaire des attentes
  • Module 1: Questionnaire des attentes
  • Module 1
  • Chapitre 1: Introduction aux logiciels de CAD
  • Chapitre 2 : Normalisation
  • Chapitre 3: Projections orthogonales
  • Chapitre 3: Exercice
  • Chapitre 4: Perspectives 1
  • Chapitre 4: Exercice 1
  • Chapitre 4: Perspectives 2
  • Chapitre 4: Exercice 2
  • Chapitre 5: Dimensionnement
  • Chapitre 5: Exercice
  • Chapitre 6: Coupes et sections
  • Chapitre 6: Exercice
  • Ressource Supplémentaire: Feuille à carreaux
  • Ressource supplémentaire: Feuille d'exercices Isométriques
  • Module 1: Questionnaire d'évaluation
  • Module 1: Questionnaire d'évaluation
  • Module 2: Questionnaire des attentes
  • Module 2: Questionnaire des attentes
  • Module 2
  • Chapitre 1: Introduction au logiciel de CAD
  • Chapitre 2: Création et définition des croquis
  • Chapitre 3: Caractéristiques 3D
  • Chapitre 4: Dessins en 2D
  • Chapitre 5: Introduction à l'Assemblée
  • Module 2: Exercices
  • Ressource Supplémentaire: Introducing Solidworks
  • Ressource Supplémentaires: A utiliser sur Solidworks
  • Module 2: Questionnaire d'évaluation
  • Module 2: Questionnaire d'évaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed